Case Study | The World of Finance to Harvard: Harpreet's Journey to MBA Success

Discover how Harpreet, an Indian professional with nearly a decade of experience, overcame age-related challenges to secure MBA offers from Harvard and Kellogg. Learn how a creative, narrative-driven approach showcased his unique journey and passion for social entrepreneurship, leading to his dream job at a top hedge fund.

Indian male applicant with 9+ years of experience

Harpreet, a seasoned professional with close to 10 years of diverse experience in Investment Banking, Asset Management, and Tech, faced the ambitious goal of gaining admission to a top US MBA program. Despite a stellar career, his age and extensive professional experience were potential disadvantages in the competitive MBA admissions landscape, which often favours younger candidates.


His age and extensive career history, while reflective of substantial industry impact, positioned him atypically compared to the traditional MBA applicant pool. Business schools typically show preference for younger applicants, as most hiring firms are looking for a very specific demographic when hiring MBA graduates (4 - 6 years experience is the most preferred). From a career perspective, we were also worried about derailing his stellar career and his pursuit of an MBA also came at a high cost as he was to forgo a substantial amount of stock options. 

Strategic Approach

Recognizing the uniqueness of his profile, our strategy was to embrace and amplify the distinctive aspects of his experience. We engaged in a thorough brainstorming process to delve deep into his career trajectory - from losing a significant job opportunity after college due to the Global Financial Crisis to making a bold shift from engineering to finance, and finally to launching his own social impact enterprise in Education, alongside his corporate career.

Vision Crafting

By intertwining his professional experiences with his passion for social entrepreneurship, we identified Impact Investment as a compelling narrative thread for his applications. This approach not only highlighted his business acumen but also his commitment to societal improvement, positioning him as a candidate driven by both profit and purpose. It was also closely aligned with his career aspirations to join a leading PE fund like KKR post-MBA.

Innovative Risk-Taking

Facing the challenge of an unengaging initial essay draft for HBS, we proposed a novel solution: crafting a narrative through six interconnected short stories, each illustrating aspects of his long-term vision. This creative risk was a departure from traditional essay formats, but we successfully convinced him and moved forward, believing in the strength of authenticity and storytelling.


Our tailored approach and willingness to innovate paid off. Harpreet received admission offers from both HBS with scholarship and Kellogg, and was waitlisted at MIT. More importantly, post-MBA, Harpreet secured his dream job at one of the world's most renowned hedge funds, which is partly owned by KKR. He proved that his pursuit of an MBA was right, and he’s been highly successful in his new career since graduating. 


Harpreet's path to HBS exemplifies the effectiveness of a carefully crafted strategy that leverages a candidate's distinct background, rather than adhering to conventional norms. By concentrating on tailored narrative development and embracing strategic risks, we guided him to admission at one of the globe's most prestigious MBA programs. This achievement highlights our dedication to innovative and customized solutions in MBA admissions consulting. We are also proud to have helped him define a clear vision for his future, and are excited to see him making waves in the world of impact investment in Southeast Asia and beyond! 

Words from Harpreet:

“My numerous in-depth conversations with Jonathan helped refine my goals,which was reflected well in my essays. During the entire application and interview process, his round the clock availability and quick turnarounds were truly appreciated. I firmly believe that HBS would not have been possible without him. Thank you again.”

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