Ace The GMAT: Exclusive Masterclass with Founder of GMAT Genius, Vinay Narang

May 22, 2024
7 PM — 8 PM PST, 60 minutes
Vinay Narang
7 PM, PST via Zoom
Ace The GMAT: Exclusive Masterclass with Founder of GMAT Genius, Vinay Narang
Virtual Event

Ace The GMAT: Exclusive Masterclass with Founder of GMAT Genius, Vinay Narang

Vinay Narang
Vinay Narang
Founder, GMAT Genius

Embarking on an MBA journey is a significant step towards career advancement, and it often begins with acing the GMAT.

Join us for an exclusive webinar with Vinay Narang, the Chief Genius and founder of GMAT Genius and a Stanford GSB graduate, who will share the importance of a solid GMAT preparation to secure admission into top-tier business schools. Expect Vinay to dive into proven strategies for mastering both the verbal and math sections of the GMAT, guided by his wealth of experience. Whether you're just starting your GMAT preparation or aiming to enhance your skills, our Masterclass will equip you with the tools and confidence needed to excel on exam day, paving the way for a successful MBA application journey.


“Vinay has been a God-send. I first took the GMAT without much preparation, assuming that as a normally decent test taker, I might hit a stroke of luck and get the minimum score I was aiming for (a 700). I ended up scoring a 660. I only had one more shot to take the test and three weeks to prepare, since I made the hasty decision to apply to business school very close to the deadline. Vinay went above and beyond, and worked around my very busy schedule in which I was juggling 50-60 hour work weeks in a demanding field. He was willing to take time to answer my emails with any practice problems or questions I came across, and came up with excellent tactics for tackling the issues I had with the test (time management, strategy for Sentence Correction, and quicker, more effective ways to solve math problems).  He is passionate about his work, and truly did an amazing job getting me to focus on the right areas. He believes in his students, and pushed me to aim for a higher score, refusing to let me settle with a Quant score under 50. In 10 short hours, over the course of 3 weeks, he was able to help me pull my score up to a 740.”  

Joanne P., GMAT score: 740, Stanford GSB

“Vinay is without peer in GMAT preparation. His steps to make complicated quant problems feel instinctive is truly unique, and I was able to exceed my own score expectations. From the introductory call to my admission decisions, Vinay's patience, responsiveness, and flexibility were invaluable. Vinay's own experience applying to business school and helping countless students through the process also proved instrumental as I began my applications and interviews. I HIGHLY recommend working with Vinay.” 

Vijay K., GMAT score: 770, Wharton

“As opposed to some other aspects of the MBA application that I could no longer manipulate, such as my undergraduate GPA or my work experience, the GMAT was one area where I felt an ability and a need to perform well. Vinay gave me the requisite tools, tips, and confidence that allowed me to perform to the best of my abilities. His teaching style is at once personable and structured. He truly cares about his students’ performance and he always gives the extra effort to give his students every chance to reach their goals for the test.”

Fred Michaels, GMAT score: 750, Columbia Business School

About The Speaker: Vinay Narang

Vinay Narang is the Founder and Chief Genius of GMAT Genius, a GMAT tutoring company that has helped over 1,000 MBA aspirants excel on the GMAT. Vinay and his team have served diverse students from over 30 U.S. states and 35 countries. GMAT Genius students have scored as high as 770 and have attended top business schools including Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Columbia, and INSEAD. Vinay has scored in the 99th percentile each of the multiple times he has taken the GMAT. Prior to his focus on GMAT teaching, he has diverse business work experience with companies including Ernst & Young, Universal Studios, and Salomon Brothers. Vinay received his MBA from Stanford. The many testimonials from happy former clients demonstrate the tremendous value that GMAT Genius can add to your GMAT preparations.

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